Ask the expert: Why clarity sits at the heart of a successful business
Posted by Amy Bell on 4 September 2020
A blurry picture of a man holding out a pair of glasses in front of him.

If I had to pick one word that defines the success of an organisation it would be clarity.

Clarity in a business is about providing clear information so that all employees know what the business stands for, how they are involved, and the role they play in making it successful.

If your employees were asked to describe what your business did, would they be able to explain this clearly? If the answer is no, then there’s work to be done. Here’s why clarity in the workplace is so important.

It creates a shared purpose

Clear communications ensure everyone is working together, towards the same mission with their goals aligned. Without clarity, employees become disengaged, are unable to perform to the standards you need them to, and circulate the wrong messages, which can lead your business in the wrong direction.

Your employees are your ambassadors for your company. If they feel confused, so will the outside world. Having clear-cut communications in place prevents mistakes arising from misunderstandings, which is crucial for protecting your bottom line.

It eliminates anxiety

Uncertainty generates anxiety. If there’s a lack of communication, people fill in the gaps, which can lead to unhealthy work practices, rumours, and a lack of trust. This could put you at risk of losing good staff.

Most people want to feel informed and be a part of something. Promoting clarity around goals, expectations and workload demands, etc., can eliminate anxiety in an employee’s day-to-day role and contribute to their overall happiness at work.

It powers productivity

Clarity powers productivity by promoting good teamwork and enthusiasm for a project or task. It also leads to shorter, more productive meetings, and better decision making, which ultimately saves you time and money. Without clarity, a company can fail.

So, how can we promote better clarity at work?

  • Use plain English -Adopt clear, concise, and meaningful messaging in all your communications. Don’t hide behind corporate slogans or ‘business speak’. Instead, embrace real messaging that everyone can understand and relate to.
  • Adapt your communications – Messages can get lost in translation. Especially when you’re communicating to a variety of people across numerous channels. So, it’s important to find different ways to say the same thing clearly.
  • Commit to communicating regularly – Even if there’s nothing to say, say something. Communicating consistently will reassure employees that you care about them and are doing all you can to keep them informed.
  • Encourage feedback -Always be open in your communications and proactively ask for feedback, whether good or bad, to better understand how to improve team clarity. This could be through anonymous surveys or Q&A sessions.
  • Create a strategy that’s tied to your value proposition – A clear strategy leads to clear communications. Employees want to know why they matter. Articulate your short and long-term goals clearly to show how each part of the business fits together in achieving the overall vision.

There’s no doubt about it – creating clarity is a remarkably simple way to make your business a success.

Learn more about how to create clarity in your business through Hey Me’s toolkits, which teach you how to create clear messages with the help of easy-to-adapt guides, processes and examples.





“Since day one, Amy herself has fit seamlessly into our team, understanding the message we want to convey and the audiences we want to reach. Her upfront audit was invaluable in helping us internally hone our common voice, which has demonstrated itself in the consistency of the content we put out as a brand and as individuals within the company. Behind the scenes, Amy has instinctively adopted our internal communication methods (Slack, SharePoint) and works closely with our in-house graphic design team to ensure our graphics and copy are in sync.” Lucy Prior MBE - previously from 3Squared 2021
“After meeting Amy a few years ago, I was able to provide her with an opportunity to manage the comms on a major alliance, alongside Marie from Doodle HR, which she flourished at. Amy helped me to implement a more structured approach, freeing up my time to work more closely with clients and create new content. Hey Me are easy to deal with and quick to provide valuable solutions; I wouldn’t hesitate to work with Amy and the team again” Karen Duncan - Lanehead Coniston
“Working with Hey Me is very straight forward - they take you through whatever process is needed, with clear instruction and good ideas. Since working with Hey Me, Zak Mobility now has a strong brand identity and purposeful website that is fit for purpose. I would recommend Hey Me to other companies, as they do a professional job with a friendly face.” Sam Pearce - CEO, Zak Mobility
“As a member of the RIA SME Leadership team, Amy ran a slimdown version of the Hey Me messaging workshops in 2023. The workshops helped the team to delve deeper into what the SME group stood for, what it meant to them as individuals and businesses and what they wanted to gain from communications. By holding up a mirror to those in the group and using a tiered approach, the group was able to find a common purpose and with Hey Me's help, a common language which best represented the aims of the leadership team and our RIA SME members. The fantastic results of this can be seen in action on our SME page of our website.” Isabella Lawson - Railway Industry Association

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