If I had to pick one word that defines the success of an organisation it would be clarity.
Clarity in a business is about providing clear information so that all employees know what the business stands for, how they are involved, and the role they play in making it successful.
If your employees were asked to describe what your business did, would they be able to explain this clearly? If the answer is no, then there’s work to be done. Here’s why clarity in the workplace is so important.
It creates a shared purpose
Clear communications ensure everyone is working together, towards the same mission with their goals aligned. Without clarity, employees become disengaged, are unable to perform to the standards you need them to, and circulate the wrong messages, which can lead your business in the wrong direction.
Your employees are your ambassadors for your company. If they feel confused, so will the outside world. Having clear-cut communications in place prevents mistakes arising from misunderstandings, which is crucial for protecting your bottom line.
It eliminates anxiety
Uncertainty generates anxiety. If there’s a lack of communication, people fill in the gaps, which can lead to unhealthy work practices, rumours, and a lack of trust. This could put you at risk of losing good staff.
Most people want to feel informed and be a part of something. Promoting clarity around goals, expectations and workload demands, etc., can eliminate anxiety in an employee’s day-to-day role and contribute to their overall happiness at work.
It powers productivity
Clarity powers productivity by promoting good teamwork and enthusiasm for a project or task. It also leads to shorter, more productive meetings, and better decision making, which ultimately saves you time and money. Without clarity, a company can fail.
So, how can we promote better clarity at work?
There’s no doubt about it – creating clarity is a remarkably simple way to make your business a success.
Learn more about how to create clarity in your business through Hey Me’s toolkits, which teach you how to create clear messages with the help of easy-to-adapt guides, processes and examples.